Stelle Ciccone biography

 Stella Ciccone is a celebrity kid, famous for being the adopted daughter of the Pop Queen Madonna. She was born in Malawi on 24 August 2012 as a twin to Estere Ciccone. She is now engaged to Adam Mwale. Stella Ciccone was born to Estere Ciccone and her twin sister Estere Ciccone. In addition to twins her mother also has two adopted sons: David Banda Mwale Ciccone and Rocco John Ritchie, and two adopted daughters; Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon and Mercy James Kamebewa. Stella, Stella, was a little princess who celebrated her seventh birthday party with her gorgeous twin sister. Madonna was the mother of the twins surprised them with the twins with a Paris themed two-tier cake. The first tier was black and the second tier had red spots with several black spots. Likely the Eiffel Tower was on the top of the cake with two anime character photos in front of them. In just a couple of days, the twins posted a picture, amazed at the cake surprise. Following the release of her fourteenth studio album 'Madam"X The Album's 'Madam X', Madonna is busy in concerts and tours to promote her albums. Following her events and shows, she has demonstrated her children's talents publicly. Their twins are very skilled at dancing and singing and so they performed alongside Madonna in Madam X. Madonna, mother to Stella and Evita's star, is a well-known singer, songwriter, actress, businesswoman, and has an estimated earnings of $850 million. In addition, she holds the Guinness record for the most lucrative male artist's music tour with $408m from her Sticky & Sweet 2008 tour. Stella, who is a daughter to Pop Queen, has a huge following on her social media platforms. Stella is twins with her sister Stella and has the user name @cicconetwins with display name Estere & Stella.


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